Leverage the power
of tokenized creativity
on the world’s IP blockchain.

A message from Jason Zhao (Story Co-Founder)
Tokenize Creativity
Intellectual property is a multi-trillion-dollar asset class trapped in an outdated system. Story onramps IP to the blockchain and makes it programmable through innovation across three layers:Application Ecosystem
A vibrant ecosystem of applications that leverage tokenized intellectual property for use cases like IPFi.
Programmable IP License
A universal license agreement with out-of-the-box configurations to connect code and law.
Proof-of-Creativity Protocol
A modular smart contract protocol that tokenizes IP and makes it programmable.
Story Network
A layer 1 blockchain purpose-built for handling complex data structures like IP quickly and cost-efficiently.
Learning Modules
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property is a multi-trillion-dollar asset class stuck in an antiquated legal system that makes it illiquid and inaccessible. Story frees IP by onramping it to the blockchain.